Thursday, January 8

dutch 101

Thursday, January 8
so i've had this self-help dutch book and cd since my birthday...i've been really good about listening to the cd in the car, but it's about time i get cracking on this workbook. i just want to have a functional knowledge of dutch so i don't seem like a lame, lazy american! here are some important phrases...i'm going to try and type them by memory!!

Hallo! Ik heet Joanna. Ik kom uit Amerika. Ik spreek vloeiend Engels, natuurlijk, en ik ben vrij goed in Spans. Maar, ik spreek geen Nederlands...nog. Tot ziens!

Translation: Hello! My name is Joanna. I come from America. I speak fluent English, of course, and I speak Spanish well. But, I don't speak Dutch...yet. Goodbye! i had to look up a few words. :) goedenavond (good evening)!