Wednesday, March 11

bonn-ding time

Wednesday, March 11
So I should have updated this a while ago, but believe it or not it has been a little stressful over here! We are winding down the semester (I KNOW) with about two weeks of school left. Obviously that leaves a pretty small window of time to finish up schoolwork, so that is what I have been doing. (As well as planning for Denmark, but more on that later...)

Let's rewind. Last weekend, I went to visit Matt in Germany. I went with some friends, Bri, Taylor, Annabeth, and Caroline, Friday morning to Cologne. It was sadly a dreary, drizzly day as we first glimpsed the Rhine River.

While we waited for Matt to get out of class, we toured the Chocolate Museum.

Caroline, Bri, Taylor, Annabeth

It had some extremely strange statues and artwork, but was still tasty.
After I bought some chilipepper-flavored chocolate (not as bad as you would think), we met up with Matt, and headed to the impressive, towering Dom Cathedral.

Sadly, due to construction we weren't able to climb the stairs to the view up top, but we still enjoyed seeing the inside.That last window was redone after the original was broken-- it's a modern mosaic design.

After exploring, the girls headed back to Maastricht, and Matt and I headed to his host home. He lives with a very nice German family in Bonn. His host mom is so sweet! She cooked for us (delicious) and then we met up with some of Matt's friends from school- they were all cool and we had a fun time!